Tom Giralomo-4608 (640x427) (2) Ooops! Did You Forget To Plan? Sometimes life gets ahead of us and we need to get things done a little faster than normal.

Large trees and shrubs from our nursery can provide instant structure to a landscape without having to do significant planning.  Our special growing methods allow us to transplant almost any time of year.

Toward the end of April as we have a few nice days, I often have people call and they want to get right to work, but they don’t have a plan. And you know me; if there’s no plan, I am apprehensive.

With over 30 years of experience building sustainable landscapes, I can tell you, the most satisfied customers take the time to have a plan in place. Random acts of landscaping, although they may sound like a good idea at the time, can disrupt the balance of the entire landscape once we see the bigger picture.

So if you don’t have a plan, but still can’t wait to get started, how can we do that in a way that you reach success?

Here are some ideas that might work for you:

  • Concentrate on what can be done now that won’t have to be redone later
  • Create an abbreviated plan just for the area that is your priority
  • Put in the appropriate “bones” like larger trees that will give you instant landscape and work on  details later
  • Do the necessary dirt work and mulch or temporarily seed those areas
  • Have drip irrigation, that can easily be added to later, installed to keep the plants alive that are put in at this time