Do you want to integrate your landscape with nature? Are you interested in a landscape that offers comfort and convenience?

Consultation and assessment is the first component in determining your needs and the needs of your property. It is the foundation that your landscape will be built on. We need to meet you and see your property.

Do you want to harmonize your property with your lifestyle? Eco-Building & Forestry’s consultation service will reveal the benefits that your property offers. This process will also identify the next steps to achieving your goals.

Our assessment gathers, assembles and interprets information about your property and how it relates to your current and future uses. This process provides a permanent record and is used as guidance for design/planning, construction and maintenance.

Part of the assessment is the Property Owner Questionnaire. We can provide you with valuable information during this initial visit that you might not get anywhere else. Our advice often produces savings in time and money immediately! Some of the things that you might learn:


  • Unexpected benefits that your property can produce
  • Unique approaches to difficult areas
  • Budget review and guidance to understand costs/options

Let's See if we can work together!

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