Should You Landscape For Home Value?

The March 2016 issue of Consumer Reports carried information that new, low-maintenance landscapes increased home values by 3%- 5%. That was about the same as kitchen remodels and low-maintenance interiors. Landscape improvements created substantially more value than...

You Can Do It! Safely

In the landscape industry there are about 190 deaths and 18,500 injuries a year; and the do-it-yourself homeowner statistics are even worse. You can avoid this fate by reading and following the owners manuals and purchasing and using the proper safety gear. Here are...

It Doesn’t All Have To Be Done In 2 Weeks!

This time of year many people are absolutely going crazy to get stuff done in their yard. Whoooa! Slow down and enjoy spring! The common perception is that there are only a couple of weeks to plant in our climate and we call that time Spring. Other times of the year...

What can you do without a plan?

Ooops! Did You Forget To Plan? Sometimes life gets ahead of us and we need to get things done a little faster than normal. Large trees and shrubs from our nursery can provide instant structure to a landscape without having to do significant planning.  Our special...

It’s Not to Early to Plan for Spring

“Cookie cutter” landscapes that are purely ornamental and have a short life don’t require much thought or planning and some people are fine with that. But if you are reading this, chances are that you want more than a temporary, high-maintenance...