by Tom Girolamo | Apr 7, 2016 | Lessons Learned
Our Friend Piero is busy growing a variety of plants on his permaculture property. He is also starting plants from seed to insure that he gets totally organic plants. Piero is also trying some different growing methods. Above a hydroponics projected turned into using...
by Tom Girolamo | Apr 6, 2016 | Uncategorized
Ooops! Did You Forget To Plan? Sometimes life gets ahead of us and we need to get things done a little faster than normal. Large trees and shrubs from our nursery can provide instant structure to a landscape without having to do significant planning. Our special...
by Tom Girolamo | Apr 6, 2016 | Lessons Learned
Litter looks bad, but it is the stuff you don’t see that should worry you. In Fall 2015 we went down to Louisville to support a friend participating in the Iron Man. Theresa had to swim in the Ohio River as part of the event. It is not the sort of river you want...
by Tom Girolamo | Apr 6, 2016 | Uncategorized
“Cookie cutter” landscapes that are purely ornamental and have a short life don’t require much thought or planning and some people are fine with that. But if you are reading this, chances are that you want more than a temporary, high-maintenance...
by Tom Girolamo | Apr 3, 2016 | You Can Do It!
If you have the landscape itch and need to get some things done, do it the easy way. When moving heavy things around the yard, put them on pallets that I can easily move with my mini-skidsteer. Nothing is worse than having to move things repeatedly –...
by Tom Girolamo | Mar 22, 2016 | Lessons Learned
This stark but thought provoking mural was located west of Quebraillas at Playa de Guajataca where an old sugar cane rail line was cut through the rocks in 1911. You can now walk through the tunnel that connects two beaches. The symbolism of this painting was not lost...
by Tom Girolamo | Mar 22, 2016 | You Can Do It!
If algae is bothering you, a hand held skimmer net used for pools can work to manually remove what ever you can reach. I use a leaf rake, with the long flexible tines to remove string algae from my small patio pond. It works great! Remove compost bins, burn piles,...
by Tom Girolamo | Mar 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
Do you want to protect your property from flooding and drought? What’s a swale? A swale is a excavated depression to slow, absorb and direct water. Swales can help you use and reuse water on your property. March is a great time to talk about this since the snow...
by Tom Girolamo | Mar 17, 2016 | Sustainable Ponds
Twenty years ago when we dug our first pond, we were told it was just impossible to raise walleyes in small ponds. Today it is a completely different story! Significant knowledge and sources of information for raising walleyes in northern ponds is readily available....
by Tom Girolamo | Mar 6, 2016 | You Can Do It!
In northern climates garlic is planted in late fall, a couple of weeks prior to the soil freezing. Some seed catalogs still sell garlic for spring planting, but if you live in a cool or cold climate, plant only in the fall to produce a quality crop. Purchase garlic...